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Англо-русский словарь - valve


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Перевод с английского языка valve на русский

set radio ламповый приемник
VALVE noun
 1) клапан, вентиль; золотник
 2) створка (раковины)
 3) bot. вальва; створка
 4) клапан (сердца)
 5) radio электронная лампа
 6) mus. пистон, вентиль
 7) attr. ламповый
 8) attr. клапанный
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. тех. клапан, вентиль; золотник; задвижка, заслонка check valve —- оборотный клапан relief valve —- предохранительный клапан kingston valve —- мор. кингстон butterfly valve —- дроссельная заслонка 2. эл. электронная лампа 3. бот. вальва, створка 4. клапан (на духовых инструментах) 5. анат. клапан (сердца) valve defect —- порок клапана ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) бот. вальва, створка 2) анат. клапан – aortic valve – Bauhin's valve – bicuspid valve – check valve – demand valve – exhaust valve – expiratory valve – inspiratory valve – mitral valve – primary valve – pulmonary valve – raphe valve – rapheless valve – respiratory valve – secondary valve – spiral valve – tricuspid valve ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) вентиль 2) вентильный 3) задвижка 4) затвор 5) золотник 6) золотниковый 7) клапан 8) клапанный 9) кран 10) пневмоаппарат 11) электронная лампа band merit of valve — добротность лампы bleed-type pilot valve — переливной клапан brake release valve — клапан отпуска тормозов cam lifts the valve — кулачок поднимает клапан central back-pressure valve — центральный водяной затвор clutch application valve — клапан управления сцеплением degree of valve lift — высота подъема клапана emergency stop valve — клапан экстренного торможения feed control valve — питательный клапан flat disk-and-seal valve — вентиль с плоским уплотнением flow dividing valve — делитель потока flow summarizing valve — сумматор потоков fuel dump valve — клапан слива топлива gate-type shut-off valve — отсекающий шибер gate-type slide valve — плоский шибер inner tube valve — вентиль камеры шины liquid-flow throttling valve — переменный гидравлический дроссель main isolating valve — машиностр. задвижка напорная главная main stop valve — паровая главная задвижка non-rising-stem gate valve — задвижка с невыдвижным шпинделем oscillator uses valve — генератор построен на лампе overlap of slide valve — перекрытие золотника parallel-seat gate valve — параллельная задвижка poppet valve head — машиностр. тарель pressure regulator valve — машиностр. золотник регулятора давления pressure release valve —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) электровакуумный прибор 2) вентиль; клапан 3) тлв. светоклапанная система – light valve ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  клапан; вентиль, задвижка, шибер adjusting valve air valve air-gas valve air-purge valve altitude valve angle valve annular valve antiflood valve antisiphon valve automatic air valve automatic control valve back-pressure valve backup valve backwater valve balancing valve ball valve ball check valve ball plug valve bleeder valve bleed-off valve block valve blow-off valve blow-out valve blow-through valve butterfly valve bypass valve changeover valve charging valve check valve clack valve closet valve compression valve condensing pressure valve constant pressure valve control valve couple valve cross valve cutoff valve cutout valve delivery valve diaphragm valve direct flow valve discharge valve disk valve diverter valve dividing valve double disk gate valve double regulating valve double-seat valve drain valve drainage valve dry-pipe valve dual-block gate valve dump valve emergency water valve equalizing valve exhaust valve expansion valve fire valve flap valve flat gate valve flat slide valve flexible wedge gate valve float valve floating ball valve flow-blocking valve flow control valve flush valve flushmeter valve follower-ring valve foot valve four-way mixing valve frost valve full-opening plug valve full-way valve fusible link valve gate valve globe valve ground-key valve guard valve hand-operated valve high pressure valve indicator valve inlet valve in-line maintenance valve isolating valve lift check valve lock valve lock-shield valve magnetic valve main valve master valve mixing valve modulating valve motorized valve muffle valve mushroom valve NC valve needle valve NO valve nonlubricated plug valve nonreturn valve nonrising stem valve normally closed valve normally open valve on-off valve orifice valve OS & Y valve outlet valve outside screw and yoke valve overflow valve overpressure release valve packless valve parallel seat gate valve parallel slide valve pilot valve pinch valve plate valve plug valve pneumatic operated valve pop valve pressure control valve pressure controlled valve pressure limiting...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) клапан; вентиль 2) задвижка; затвор 3) (гидротехнический) затвор 4) кран 5) мн. ч. вентильная арматура 6) гидро- или пневмораспределитель 7) гидро- или пневмоаппарат 8) электронная лампа; электронный прибор 9) электровакуумный прибор 10) тлв световой кланан, световой затвор to time the valves — регулировать газораспределение (двигателя) - accumulator charging valve - accumulator unloading valve - ac solenoid hydraulic directional valve - adjustable valve - admission valve - ahead maneuvering valve - air valve - air control valve - air filler valve - air-gap armature hydraulic valve - air-operated valve - air-starting valve - air-steam relief valve - air-vent valve - alarm valve - aligned-grid valve - amplifier valve - angle valve - annular slide valve - antibackfire valve - antiicing shutoff valve - astern maneuvering valve - atmospheric steam dump valve - automatic changeover valve - auxiliary valve - auxiliary loop isolation valve - 2-axis hydraulic contouring valve - 3-axis hydraulic contouring valve - back valve - backfire bypass valve - backflush valve - back pressure valve - back-seating valve - backwash valve - baffle valve - balanced valve - balanced-disk valve - balanced-gate valve - balanced needle valve - ball valve - ball and scat valve - ball-operated pneumatic valve - ball seating action valve - ball shear action valve - beam-power valve - bill slide valve - blade-control valve - bleeder valve - bleed valve - block valve - blowing valve - blowoff valve - blowout valve - bottom discharge valve - bottom dump valve - bottom-hole valve - brake valve - brake application valve - brake cylinder release valve - brake hydraulic valve - brake transmission valve - breathing valve - bulkhead valve - bullet valve - butterfly valve - bypass valve - bypass proportional valve - cam-operated...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a device for controlling the passage of fluid through a pipe etc., esp. an automatic device allowing movement in one direction only. 2 Anat. & Zool. a membranous part of an organ etc. allowing a flow of blood etc. in one direction only. 3 Brit. = thermionic valve. 4 a device to vary the effective length of the tube in a brass musical instrument. 5 each of the two shells of an oyster, mussel, etc. 6 Bot. each of the segments into which a capsule or dry fruit dehisces. 7 archaic a leaf of a folding door. Derivatives valvate adj. valved adj. (also in comb.). valveless adj. valvule n. Etymology: ME f. L valva leaf of a folding door ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Latin valva; akin to Latin volvere to roll — more at voluble  Date: 14th century  1. archaic a leaf of a folding or double door  2. New Latin valva, from Latin a bodily structure (as the mitral ~) that closes temporarily a passage or orifice or permits movement of fluid in one direction only  3.  a. any of numerous mechanical devices by which the flow of liquid, gas, or loose material in bulk may be started, stopped, or regulated by a movable part that opens, shuts, or partially obstructs one or more ports or passageways; also the movable part of such a device  b. a device in a brass instrument for quickly channeling air flow through an added length of tube in order to change the fundamental tone by some definite interval  c. chiefly British electron tube  4. New Latin valva, from Latin one of the distinct usually hinged and movable pieces of which the shell of some shell-bearing animals (as lamellibranch mollusks, brachiopods, and barnacles) consists  5. New Latin valva, from Latin  a. one of the segments or pieces into which a dehiscing capsule or legume separates  b. the portion of various anthers (as of the barberry) resembling a lid  c. one of the two encasing membranes of a diatom  • ~d adjective  • ~less adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (valves) 1. A valve is a device attached to a pipe or a tube which controls the flow of air or liquid through the pipe or tube. N-COUNT 2. A valve is a small piece of tissue in your heart or in a vein which controls the flow of blood and keeps it flowing in one direction only. He also has problems with a heart valve. N-COUNT 3. see also safety valve ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a part of a tube or pipe that opens and shuts like a door to control the flow of liquid, gas, air etc passing through it  (the valves of the heart) 2 the part on a trumpet1 (1) or similar musical instrument that you press to change the sound of the note 3 BrE a closed glass tube used to control the flow of electricity in old radios, televisions etc; vacuum tube AmE  (- see also bivalve, safety valve) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., "one of the halves of a folding door," from L. valva "section of a folding or revolving door," lit. "that which turns," related to volvere "to roll," from PIE *wel- "to turn, roll." Sense extended 1615 to "membranous fold regulating flow of bodily fluids;" 1659 to "mechanical device that works like a valve;" and 1661 in zoology to "halves of a hinged shell." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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